are sure You can expect to Appreciate The All new Gp Medium Tent 16x32 Ft - Vinyl Including Poles
There are lots of businesses that have a Gp Medium Tent 16x32 Ft - Vinyl Including Poles among their main products, while there is nothing in particular bad with almost all these, that doesn't mean that there's anything specifically right with these also. This commonly is a common difficulty when there are lots of different variations of a product available and one that our organization have sought to fix this case by recreating our own.
Why will manufacturer produce our own type of the Gp Medium Tent 16x32 Ft - Vinyl Including Poles when there are plenty of of them presently that you can buy? The reply is that our organization think we have produced the top type of this merchandise you are likely to obtain anyplace and we know that as soon as you try it, you are going to really enjoy the little unique touches we have built in our latest version. If you are looking for characteristics, you will see that our product contains a lot more characteristics compared to the most of our competition put together.
While we are aware that it takes a lot more than a continual variety of features to produce a excellent product, we started out with a exceptional starting version and then we began to incorporate the type of options we're so renowned for. What we wound up with is a Gp Medium Tent 16x32 Ft - Vinyl Including Poles which is the very best available and can virtually blow the competition away. If you are looking for a new product which is well worth the money, you will find that ours could be the perfect purchase.
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The GP Medium Tent is 16 foot wide by 32 foot long. The tent comes with two stovepipe shieldsto supportthe standard 4" heater pipe. The tent has one entrance at each end. The whole sidewall rolls and ties in the up position for flow through air flow. Doors: One at each end 6' high by 4' wide. The price listed for tent includes the outer skin, lines and transport/storage cover. Tent can be purchased with or without the poles set. Please choose your desired option from the dropdown menu on the right.
- The GP Medium Tent is 16 foot wide by 32 foot long - vinyl
- This is a US Army issued tent. Reconditioned according to the Military specifications
- 100 percent serviceable.
- shipped with original poles.
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